Whether you are feeling unsure which career would be the best fit for you or feeling unhappy in your current career, career assessment/counseling can support you! Understanding your strengths and growth areas will allow you to focus your energy and pursue a career path that is more fulfilling.

We will recommend a battery of vocational assessments, followed by a session where we discuss the results and a plan moving forward. You may choose to meet one time or a series of times for counseling support as you work to make strides toward your goals.

Career Assessment/Counseling

  • Costs differ based on the specific service.

    Our most common service includes an intake meeting along with several questionnaires, and a follow up meeting to discuss results. (2 virtual or in person meetings total). You will receive a written report during your follow-up appointment. This service is 450$.

    You may add on additional follow-up sessions to continue working toward your goals at the cost of a regular therapy session (180 for 50 minutes).

    *IF you would like to meet for a 60 minute consultation to discuss your overall stuck points and create a few goals, but are not interested in completing questionnaires, the cost will be the same as an intake session (200$) and you are welcome to schedule follow ups if you would find it beneficial. Options include 60 minutes, 75 minutes (225) or 90 minutes (250).

  •  There are hundreds of occupations that an individual can pursue, and it can be difficult to get a sense of what occupations might be a good for you. Career counseling and assessment might be helpful if you have any questions about 1) what careers might be a good fit for you, 2) why you might be dissatisfied in your career, or 3) why you might be struggling in your workplace. Drawing from career and vocational psychology theories as well as assessments that identify your interests, personality, values, and skills, we will focus on helping you gain a better idea of the type of careers and workplaces that will help you feel most satisfied.  

    Career counseling is primarily intended to help you gain a better understanding of yourself in relation your vocational identity and goals. We do not provide any services around pursuing that goal, as test prep, resume building, interview skill development, etc. However, we will provide you with resources that will help you with these goals as a part of the report you will be offered. 

  • We would be happy to provide these appointments virtually or in-person at your preference.

“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do”— Rumi