About Health Insurance

Our practice is not in-network with and does not bill health insurance companies directly. We are able to provide a receipt known as a "superbill" that you can submit to your insurance company to see if they will reimburse you; however, you will need to call and confirm that they will do this reimbursement as not all insurance companies offer reimbursement.

It is highly encouraged to discuss this with your insurance company prior to our appointment. *One resource you may use to check your out of network benefits is Mentaya. Many clients who have out of network benefits may be able to receive reimbursement for services. Use this quick calculator below to see if this service may be compatible with your Out of Network plan.

  • You will want to call your health care provider

    One option is to call the number on the back of your insurance card and ask to speak with a representative. They will likely give you a decent amount of information, so be prepared to ask some clarifying questions. The most important being:

    1. Do I have out of network benefits?

    2. Do I have an out of network deductible?

    3. How much is my deductible and how much has been met to date? (For some, they may have a high deductible, for others, you may have already met it).

    4. What is my co-pay? (I.e. the amount you pay after your plan pays their portion).

    5. If you are seeking information about testing, ask: Do I have out of network benefits for ADHD/Autism/Learning Disorder testing?

    6. If you are seeking therapy/services virtually, you will want to ask: Do I have out of network benefits for telehealth services?

  • We provide superbills to anyone who asks. This allows you to submit information to your insurance for potential information. It is important to clarify with your insurance plan BEFORE testing services/therapy services if they will be able to reimburse you.

    Superbills require the following information: A diagnostic code (meaning, we will need to provide a diagnosis for you), a CPT code (indicating the type of service you received), and information about the location you received the service. This document also includes the National Provider ID of your therapist and of the practice.

    The superbill will be sent to you based on the email used to create your client portal.

  • Once a claim is submitted, your insurance company will process it. If you are utilizing your out of network benefits and have a deductible, you will need to meet the deductible before your insurance will provide any reimbursement.

    If you have a deductible, the total amount of the claim will be applied to your out of network deductible. If you don’t have a deductible (or if you do and it has been met), the insurance will process the claim according to the benefits in your plan, and in most cases you will be mailed a check. In some cases your insurance may have other ways of reimbursement such as a direct deposit to your bank account.

Why are Evaluations so Expensive?

Psychological evaluations require multiple hours and require an extremely detailed process. The cost associated with the evaluations include in-person and remote meetings with you, purchasing of all relevant test materials, analysis and interpretation of all data collected, corresponding with others that you give permission for us to speak with for additional information, report writing, and a feedback session with you. Comprehensive psychological reports require multiple hours, and include an explanation of all tests you completed, provides relevant diagnoses and information on the conclusions, as well as a list of recommendations/resources unique to you. Depending on diagnostic results, these reports may be useful for your medication provider and therapist. If you do not have an ongoing therapy provider, we would be happy to provide referrals.